Admin commands for Day of Dragons

General Commands


See your gender


See your growth


See current location


Get your Player Identification Digit / PID


Get unstuck


Group Commands


Make a group


Disband a group

/invite (PID here)

Invite a player into a group

/transfer (PID here

Transfer leadership of group to another player


Leave a group


Check PID’s of all group members

/kick (PID here)

Kick a group member (If Leader)


Admin Commands


Show player ID’s


Hides PID’s

/adult (PID here)

Grwos player to full adult

/grow (PID here)




/heal (PID here)

Fills players health, bile, food and water bars


Fills your health, bile, food and water bars


Make you immune to damage

/port (PID here)

Teleports a player to you

/goto (PID here)

Teleports you to a player

/kill (PID here)

Kills a player


Kills yourself


Kicks a player from your server

/ban (PID here)

Kicks a player and blocks them from rejoining until server restart.

/unban (PID here)

Unbans a player without server restart


  • 1 Uživatelům pomohlo
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