Command |
Description |
teleportMeTo_<NameOfPlayer> |
Teleports you to the player with the written name |
teleportToMe_<NameOfPlayer> |
Teleport the player with the written name to you |
teleport_<NameOfPlayer>_<NameOfPlayer> |
Teleport the first named player to the second player |
spawnmob_<Mob Name> |
Spawns an Enemy |
inventory_add |
Brings up an interface for item spawning |
setdaytime_<0.0 - 24.0> |
Changes the time of day on the server |
runspeed_<0.0 - inf> |
Sets the running speed of your character |
walkspeed_<0.0 - inf> |
Sets the walking speed of your character |
godmode_<true/false> |
Activates/Deactivates Godmode |
.jetpack_<true/false> |
Activates/Deactivates the Jetpack |
help |
Lists the current in-game commands |