How to upload a single player world onto your ARK server

Step 1 - Uploading your world

  1. On your PC browse to your ARK Steam Folder

    Normally found at the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArksLocal

  1. Connect to your server using FTP.

    For information on how to do this, see here: [How to connect to FTP](

  2. Once connected, browse to /Saved/SavedArks/

    If you are using a different save directory on your command line, you will need to browse into the directory you have selected.

  3. Copy everything from your SavedArksLocal folder into the SavedArks directory

  4. Your world is now uploaded!

Step 2 - Fixing your player profile

  1. Inside the SavedArks directory look for the ‘LocalPlayer.arkprofile’ file

  2. Get your SteamID64 number

    We suggest using to find this number

  3. Rename the ‘LocalPlayer.arkprofile’ to ‘YourID.arkprofile’

    Make sure to replace the ‘YourID’ part with your SteamID64 number

Step 3 - Uploading your configuration

  1. Browse back to the /Saved/ directory on FTP, then go into the Config/LinuxServer/ folder

  2. On your computer, go out one level from the SavedArksLocal directory into the Saved directory

  3. Then into the Config\WindowsNoEditor\ folder, if you’re on Mac or Linux go into the Config/LinuxNoEditor/ folder

  4. Upload the Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini into the Config/LinuxServer/ folder on your server

Step 4 - Installing the mods, changing your world

  1. To install the mods your local world had, you just need to click on the steam update button as long as you uploaded your GameUserSettings.ini.

  2. To find out how to change the world to the one you use, please check out our knowledgebase.

Your local save is now uploaded, start your server and enjoy!


  • ark, upload, single, player, world
  • 68 Users Found This Useful
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