Chat commands for your Citadel: Forged With Fire server

The following are chat commands for your Citadel: Forged With Fire server. Chat messages are coloured according to their intended audience when sent and received.

/s <message>

/say <message>

/g <message>

/general <message>

Send a chat message to the entire server. The message is received by the server, time-stamped, echoed to the sending player and sent to all online players. Such text is currently uncolored (white).

/whisper <player> <message>

/w <player> <message>

Send a chat message to the specified player. The message is received by the server, time-stamped, echoed to the sending player and sent to the receiving player. Such one-on-one text is currently colored purple.

/r <message>

/reply <message>

Send a chat message to the last player who whispered to you.Such one-on-one text is currently colored purple.

/party <message>

/p <message>

Send a chat message to your current player party, if any. All players in your party will be able to see your message, and it will appear in blue.

/house <message>

/h <message>

Send a chat message to your current house, if any. All players in your house will be able to see your message, and it will appear in orange.


/roll <XdY>

/roll <range>

Rolls 1d100 if no arguments are given, otherwise the given number of dice and type, otherwise generates a random number from 1 to range. If whispered to another player, only the two of you will see the result, if entered in party chat, only your party members will see the roll, in house chat only your online house members will see it, and in general chat everyone will see the result of your roll.

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