The following are house commands for your Citadel: Forged With Fire server. Houses help players to form alliances and work better with other players.
/house_create <house name> |
Forms a new House in the game world with the given unique name. House colors and a sigil will be assigned randomly and can then be edited through the house formation UI (which is not in place yet). |
/house_invite <player> |
Invite a player to join your house. (Note: Until corresponding UI is hooked up, the invited player is currently automatically joined to your house if they do not already belong to one) |
/house_leave |
Leave your current house |
/house_kick <player> |
Kick a player out of your house. (Note: Only the house founder can issue this command) |
/house_setrank <player> <rank> |
Change a player’s rank in your house. Rank is an integer from 0 to MaxRank, lower ranks having more authority. Ranks can be created/destroyed/renamed via future UI.(Note: Right now, only the house founder can issue this command) |
/house_disband |
Disbands the house to which you belong. (Note: Only the house founder can issue this command) |