Commands for Rust

Commands for Rust



Rcon.login PASSWORD

Use this password to log in to the console (key: F1) via RCON. This command is only available for Rust Legacy.


Specifies how many players are currently connected to the serverstatus

Notice.popupall " message "

Sends a message to all players. This message appears at the top of the screen

Say "Message"

Sends a message as a console in the chat


Lists all available commands. In Rust Legacy you use instead of the point *

Kick "Players"

Kicks a player from the server

Ban " Player " ban " Steam ID "

Bury a player without kicks it

Banid " Steam ID "

Banned a Steam64 ID (with reason)


Banned all players

Truth.enforce true / false

The server automatically kicks players who are trying to use unauthorized tools (hacks/cheats)


Save the card and the inventory of the players

Teleport.toplayer "Player 1" "Player 2 "

Teleport "Player 1" to "Player 2".

"Pos Y Pos Z"

Teleport "Player" to an exact position (determined by coordinates). The entire player name is required!

Inv.giveplayer "

"Player" is the "object". The entire player name and the full name of the item is required.

Inv.giveall " Object " Number "

Gives all players the "item". The full name of the item is required.

Dmg.godmode true / false

Enables / Disables immortality mode for all logged-in administrators

True = Active / False = Disabled


Includes each production of each player on the server


Cancels each production of each player on the server

Crafting.instant true / false

Crafting.instant true / false

Craftsing.instant_admins true / false

Any administrator can set the items immediately

True = Active / False = Disabled

Crafting.timescale " Number "

Sets the duration of the production to the specified time.

1 = Standard time, 0.5 = Half time


Activates an airdrop

Airdrop.min_players " Number '

Activates an airdrop as soon as "number" players are online on the server


Spawn a vehicle to your own position


Leave the car

Server.hostname server name

Sets the name of the server

Server.clienttimeout " Time "

Determines how many minutes a player is kicked due to inactivity

Server.maxplayers " number "

Sets how many players can connect to the server

Server.pvp true/false

Enabled/Disabled PVP on the server

True = Active / False = Disabled

Server.steamgroup "Steamgroup ID"

Restricts access to the server for a designated Steam group

Sleepers.on true/false

Enable / disable the sleeper

True = Active / False = Disabled

Env.timescale "Number"

Sets the duration of the day and night cycle to a value. Default value: "0.0066666667"

Env.time "Number"

Sets the time of the day to a value. The value 12 is noon.

Falldamage.enabled true/false

Enabled / Disabled Case Damage

Cheaters.log true / false

Displays the connected cheaters in the console

True = Active / False = Disabled

Player.backpackLockTime "Number"

Sets the lock of the locked backpacks of the players. Value: 0 = Off / Value: 300 = 5 minutes


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