Cheat commands for your Citadel: Forged With Fire server

The following are cheat commands for your Citadel: Forged With Fire server. These commands need admin permission via passwords before anybody can use them on the server.

/setname <newname>

Change your player name to the new name specified. There is a maximum name length for any player of 12 characters. Names may not contain spaces, illegal characters or offensive language.

/givexp <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of XP. This can cause you to go up one or more character levels depending on the amount. It is currently clamped between 0 and 10000 per command.

/giveresources <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of each type of resource (wood, stone, rune energy). The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.


Gives 10000 of each resource type (wood, stone, rune energy). (For Brenden)

/givewood <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of wood. The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.

/givestone <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of wood. The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.

/giverune <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of wood. The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.

/givespell <spell indices>

Grants the player one or more spells in the game using the spell index from the Spell data table.

/giveitem <item index> <amount>

Grants the player one or more items in the game using the item index from the Item data table.




Grants the player one of every item in the game (that is currently in the ItemTable) and first boots their carrying limit so they can carry it all. (crashes server?)


Learn all possible learnables in the game.

/spawnnpc <npc name>,<amount>,<level>

Spawn an NPC of a given type near you. Amount and level are optional and both default to ‘1’. NPC names are all lowercase, no spacing (list can be found in /GameData/NPCCheaitSpawnConfigData).


Regenerates your current health and mana pools to full.

/settime <time of day>

Sets the current time of day. Valid values range between 0 and 2400 (0 and 2400 being midnight, 1200 being noon).

/teleport <player>

Teleport next to the specified player.

/teleport <latitude> <longitude>

Teleport to a specific point on the map.




Immediately regrows all harvested nodes in the game world. Normally regrowth checks only happen infrequently (every ~15 min), and most harvestable resources do not return for several hours, nor when pawns are nearby (AI and players) nor when structure pieces have been built overtop. This cheat regrows them all immediately with the only exception being those nodes currently blocked by structures.




Kills you instantly by applying massive damage to your character, allowing all damage procs to still fire normally. It applies 1.0e+32 environmental damage.

/invincible <amount>

/superman <amount>

Sets the player’s base damage reduction anywhere between 0 - 100% and then recalculates stats accordingly. If an amount is not specified, the cheat assumes 100%.

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