Conan Exiles Admin Commands

Console commands:
Command Parameter(s) Explanation
MakeMeAdmin AdminPassword Grants admin permissions.
MakeMeNormal None Removes admin permissions.
SummonPlayer PlayerName Teleports the specified player to your location.
TeleportPlayer x y z Teleports yourself to the specified coordinates.
SpawnItem ItemID Quantity Spawns the specified item in the specified quantity.
ViewPlayer PlayerName Spectate the specified player remotely.
God None Toggles godmode.
Fly None Toggles fly.
Ghost None Toggles noclip.
ToggleDebugHUD None Displays ping, player count, and SFPS in the top right corner of the screen.
Displays player coordinates in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-L None Opens a small window containing your coordinates.
You can copy them with Ctrl+C for use with TeleportPlayer.

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