Basic Commands
Command | Description |
Kick | Kicks a player from the server |
Ban | Bans a player from the server |
Unban | Unbans a player from the server |
Banned | Brings up the active banlist |
Cheat Commands
NOTE: Cheat Commands aren't available for Multiplayer servers.
Command | Description |
pos | Prints players position |
goto x,z | Teleports you to the specific location (example: goto 0,0) |
exploremap | Explores the entire map, removing all fog |
resetmap | Resets map exploration, clearing all previously explored areas |
killall | Kills all nearby enemies |
tame | Tames all nearby tameable creatures |
hair | Permanently removes your hair |
beard | Permanently removes your beard |
location | Sets new spawn location |
raiseskill [skill] [amount] | Increases the level of the specific skill by the specified amount (example: raiseskill run 30) |
resetskill | Resets the specific skill level to 0 (example: resetskill run) |
freefly | Toggles the freefly drone camera view |
Ffsmooth [0-1] | Sets the smoothing of the freefly camera, 0 = no smoothing, 1 = full smoothing |
tod [0-1] or tod -1 | Sets the time of day – 0 and 1 are both midnight, 0.5 is noon, -1 is dawn |
env [env] | Sets the debug environment |
wind [angle] [intensity] | Sets the wind intensity at that specific angle |
resetwind | Resets the wind to default |
god | Toggles godmode on/off |
event [name] | Starts a specific event |
stopevent | Stops the current event |
randomevent | Starts a random event |
Save | Forces the game to save |
resetcharacter | Resets the characters skills and inventory |