Admin commands for your Valheim server

Basic Commands

Command Description
Kick Kicks a player from the server
Ban Bans a player from the server
Unban Unbans a player from the server
Banned Brings up the active banlist

Cheat Commands

NOTE: Cheat Commands aren't available for Multiplayer servers.

Command Description
pos Prints players position
goto x,z Teleports you to the specific location (example: goto 0,0)
exploremap Explores the entire map, removing all fog
resetmap Resets map exploration, clearing all previously explored areas
killall Kills all nearby enemies
tame Tames all nearby tameable creatures
hair Permanently removes your hair
beard Permanently removes your beard
location Sets new spawn location
raiseskill [skill] [amount] Increases the level of the specific skill by the specified amount (example: raiseskill run 30)
resetskill Resets the specific skill level to 0 (example: resetskill run)
freefly Toggles the freefly drone camera view
Ffsmooth [0-1] Sets the smoothing of the freefly camera, 0 = no smoothing, 1 = full smoothing
tod [0-1] or tod -1 Sets the time of day – 0 and 1 are both midnight, 0.5 is noon, -1 is dawn
env [env] Sets the debug environment
wind [angle] [intensity] Sets the wind intensity at that specific angle
resetwind Resets the wind to default
god Toggles godmode on/off
event [name] Starts a specific event
stopevent Stops the current event
randomevent Starts a random event
Save Forces the game to save
resetcharacter Resets the characters skills and inventory
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